Queensland Association of Watch and Clock Collectors Inc.
Watch this page for up-dates and a summary of our monthly Club activities.
Next Meeting - 15 March - a timely reminder of the pitfalls when purchasing a timepiece. Alan H will be discussing clocks while Tony M has the watch area covered. This will be very helpful to members as we all look for another timepiece to add to our collection. New members very welcome - feel free to arrive from 11am to see our club in operation. The actual session starts at 12.15. Coffee & tea provided.
February Meet - AGM
A pleasing attendance to welcome in the 2025 Committee. Our President Allan gave a summary of 2024 saying it had been a interesting & helpful year for members. Show & Tell was a pleasant interlude with a very unusual table clock shown. The 'Simple yet Clever Designs' explained how the German clock Co. Kienzle converted a bus to travel round Germany selling their clocks.

January Meet - using clock & watch mainspring winders
Thanks for all members who attended on this very wet & windy day. Show & Tell started with a new segment - 'Simple yet Clever Designs' to feature at each Meet. Starting a ceramic clock with a pull string was the topic. Members can contribute to this when they come across an item in their clock & watch journey. A very pleased Eddie won the toaster raffle. Allan & Tony presented an informative talk on how to use mainspring winders on both clocks & watches. A great start to the year.